Glad to be S.A.H.D.

Glad to be S.A.H.D.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Don't and Do Not - there is a difference!

Don't and Do Not - there is a difference!

I saw a study that the human subconscious can not understand the word "don't".

Which is why whenever you tell someone "don't" do something they do it anyhow.

"Don't slam the door" all the other person brain hears and computes is "slam the door".

"Don't lie to me" they hear "lie to me".

"Don't throw rocks at your brother" they hear "throw rocks at your brother".

Say "Do Not" and they will stop the action instantly.

Try it - it will work.

I use it all the time with my 2 yr old and it works.

If I say "Don't" he continues, if I say "Do Not" he stops.

Hope it helps.